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Menopause Mastery Network Membership

  • 336 Days


The Menopause Mastery Network Membership is the ultimate solution for women who want to overcome the challenges of menopause. Our monthly membership program provides members exclusive access to research tools and support to help them navigate the various stages of menopause. From group coaching sessions and cooking classes to informative webinars and workshops, our membership program is designed to empower women to take control of their health and wellness. So, if you want to stay on top of your game and master the art of menopause, sign up for our Menopause Mastery Network Membership today. Our Package includes : 1. Education and Information: Access to articles, blog posts, and researched sources of information about menopause, its symptoms, and management options. Access to guidance on hormonal changes, bone health, heart health, and other aspects of menopause. 2. Emotional Support: You get a safe and empathetic space to share your experiences, feelings, and concerns. 3. Lifestyle and Nutrition Guidance: You get tips on maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine to manage weight, mood, and overall well-being. Information on supplements, vitamins, and herbal remedies that may help alleviate menopausal symptoms. Monthly meal Planning (shopping list, ingredients, directions, and nutrition value) Monthly cooking class Pantry makeover 4. Holistic Approaches: To manage stress and improve overall health. 5. Practical Tips: Get valuable tips for handling common symptoms

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app



2 Plans Available, From $9.99/month

Group Discussion

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Menopause Mastery Network Membership

Menopause Mastery Network Membership

Private2 Members


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